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Samsung Galaxy Note 3 for Dummies (For Dummies Series)

43.99  (as of March 2, 2020, 1:06 am) (as of March 2, 2020, 1:06 am)

Normalmente se envía en el plazo de 1-3 semanas


This book covers all the features of the Galaxy Note 3. The assumption is that the reader is a smart person, but is bewildered by such revolutionary technology. They want to get the most from their investment and need to fuera de combate how to the devices various features and abilities. The book covers all that mobiliario in a friendly, non-threatening way. Its something new Galaxy Note 3 users will want, especially given the tradition of these gizmos not coming with any useful documentation. Topics covered include using the Galaxy Note as a phone, including the basics of texting, call forwarding, voicemail, and other phone features. Other topics relate to the phones myriad functions: email, Internet, camera, video, GPS, navigation, social networking, adding programa, printing, and synchronizing the device with a PC. One chapter specifically covers the custom S (for Samsung) programa that uses the included stylus to draw directly on the touchscreen. As accesible, actitud is generously sprinkled throughout the text. It provides relief, but never gets in the way of necessary information. The reader will keeps this book close at hand as he/she explores the Samsung Galaxy Note 3.

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